E and I have been doing lots of grilling this summer and one of our new favorite things is to make pizza on our charcoal grill.
The only problem we've had, however, is finding a good crust. I've tried making my own dough and using refridgerated dough, but we didn't like the result-- it was too hard to work with. During our last trip to the commissary, we found this little gem, a package of premade crusts. They were delicious!
1. Unwrap the crusts and brush both sides with olive oil.
2. I laid the crusts out on a baking sheet-- it was a good fit for the pizzas and didn't leave an oily mess all over the place. Top the pizzas with your choice of toppings. We've done everything from BBQ chicken to a pizza with a spinach and artichoke sauce covered with veggies and cheese. This time we decided on just turkey pepperoni and cheese. When pizzas are made, sprinkle the tops with italian seasoning.
3. Place them on the grill and cover lid. Check for doneness (it'll be about 8-10 minutes for so).
The finished product:They are so good and really easy to make!
bon appetit!
Mrs. AW